Welcome to Reception (EYFS) 2024 - 2025
Class Teacher:Mrs Harvey |
Class Teacher:Mrs Williams |
Teaching Assistant:Mrs Sconce |
Our indoor environment provides a safe, secure and challenging space for your child. For some, the indoor environment is like a second 'home', providing a place for busy activity, work and play or rest and relaxation. It contains resources which are appropriate, well maintained and accessible for all children. Our indoor spaces are planned so that they can be used flexibly and an appropriate range of activities are provided. The indoor and outdoor environments are linked so that the children can move freely between them. The children will have opportunities to initiate their own learning and also engage in a wide variety of teacher-led activities.
Being outdoors has a positive impact on children's well-being and helps all aspects of children's development. It offers opportunities for doing things in different ways and on a larger scale than when indoors. The outdoor environment enables children to experience varied weather conditions, seasonal changes and the natural world. Outdoor environments offer children the freedom to explore using their senses, and be physically active and exuberant.
Our outdoor learning area is an environment that is richly resourced with exciting play materials and open-ended flexible resources that can be adapted and used in different ways, according to the needs and interests of our children. It is a very safe, secure and attractive area for your child to develop their learning. The children are encouraged to initiate their own learning and experiment with things they have learnt.
The Early Years Foundation Stage Characteristics of Effective Learning |
There are seven areas of learning and development |
Characteristics of Effective Learning Playing and Exploring, Active Learning and Creating and Thinking Critically support children’s learning across all areas.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development Self Regulation Managing Self Building Relationships |
Playing and exploring – engagement Finding out and exploring. Playing with what they know. Being willing to ‘have a go’. |
Physical Development Gross Motor Skills Fine Motor Skills |
Active Learning – motivation Being involved and concentrating. Persevering. Enjoying achieving what they set out to do. |
Communication and Language Listening, Attention and Understanding Speaking |
Creating and thinking critically – thinking Having their own ideas. Making links. |
Literacy Comprehension Word Reading Writing |
Mathematics Number Numerical Patterns |
Understanding the World Past and Present People, Culture and Communities The Natural World |
Expressive Arts and Design Creating with Materials Being Imaginative and Expressive |
EYFS Framework |