Welcome to Year 4 2024 - 2025


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Class Teacher:

Miss Doak

Teaching Assistant:

Mrs Lightfoot-Ward


Welcome to our Year 4 class page.

Here you can find the Year 4 Curriculum Map and Knowledge Organisers for the topics that we cover throughout Year 4.

Please ensure that water bottles, reading books and reading logs are brought into school every day. Listening to your child read on a regular basis is still very important in Year 4.

Homework is given out on a Friday and is to be returned by the following Thursday.

P.E. lessons are on Thursdays. Please remember to wear your P.E. kit to school on this day.

Every other week, the children participate in a French lesson. To practise their skills, they can access the website 'Linguafun.eu' at home.

For some of the spring term, we will be going swimming at Chester City Baths on a Thursday morning. 

We are very fortunate to have 3 lots of 6 week blocks of music lessons on a Monday with Mrs Gibson-Phillips. We will be learning samba drumming, ukuleles and singing. There are some performance dates in the diary to show off the skills you have learnt after 6 weeks! 

In the summer term of Year 4, you will all do your times tables test online. Here are some links to websites that you can use to help you practise at home: 




Click here for our subject 'Knowledge Organisers'

If you have any further questions about Year 4 please do not hesitate to contact us by email - year4@guildensutton.cheshire.sch.uk


Files to Download

Welcome to Year 4: Calendar items

Who Are We?

Guilden Sutton Church of England Primary School is in a semi-rural location at the heart of the village of Guilden Sutton, on the outskirts of Chester. The school is a lively, happy place where all are treated as individuals within a Christian family atmosphere.
If you require a paper copy of any of the information on our school’s website, please contact the school office and we will provide this free of charge.
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Where Are We?

Guilden Sutton Church of England Primary School Arrowcroft Road
Guilden Sutton
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The School Day

Monday - Friday 8.50am - 3.20pm (32.5hrs)

School gates open at 8.45am

Let's Connect

Mrs T Rainford | Headteacher
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs C Lloyd | Mrs L Taylor
01244 300 353

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