Welcome to Year 5 2024 - 2025
Welcome to our Year 5 class page.
In Year 5 we work hard, try our best and have fun learning lots of new and exciting things. Some of the Year 5 highlights at Guilden Sutton include - going on a Pilgrim trip to Chester Cathedral, writing our 'Buddy Letters' in preparation for Year 6, looking at the Maya and the Anglo-Saxons in History, 'Bike Ability', completing a Young Leaders Award and becoming Playground Leaders . . . just to name a few!
Here you can find the Year 5 Curriculum Map and Knowledge Organisers for the topics that we cover throughout Year 5.
Homework is given out on a Friday and is to be returned by the following Thursday.
This half term our PE lessons are on Tuesdays and will be on Fridays when we start our Dance sessions - Please wear PE kits to school on those days.
Every other week, the children participate in a French lesson. To practise their skills, they can access the website 'Linguafun.eu' at home.
Click here for our subject 'Knowledge Organisers'
If you have any further questions about Year 5 please do not hesitate to contact us by email - year5@guildensutton.cheshire.sch.uk