Clubs & Extra-Curricular Activity
As with the National Curriculum, we keep the silver thread of ‘love and justice’ relevant in everything we do and extra-curricular skills are no exception. It is possible when engaging in all aspects of extra-curricular activities to reflect on how what we learn fits in with our friendships, helping others and the wider community.
Extra-curricular activities are a crucial part of school life. We believe that they make a vital contribution to the all-round development of the pupils at school. They give children the opportunity to try new activities, work as a team and take part in competitive events. A variety of clubs run throughout the year with some being provided by our staff and others through the use of expert coaches or musicians.
Click the links at the bottom of this page to download examples of the clubs we typically run:
Art Book Chess Choir Computer Cooking Dance / Glee Eco Champions Football French Judo Multi skills Music Nature Detectives Newspaper Science |