Pupil Premium
Guilden Sutton Church of England Primary School strives to provide the best possible education for our children. We aim for excellence within a happy, secure environment with an ethos based on Christian values where each individual’s achievements are valued and celebrated. Through the teachings of Jesus, all are enabled to flourish spiritually, emotionally and academically throughout life, living out love and justice for all.
We aim to ensure that all of our children have the opportunity to develop to their full potential with careful attention given to those who are vulnerable or socially disadvantaged.
The targeted and strategic use of the Pupil Premium grant (PPG) will support us in achieving our vision.
- The barriers to learning for pupils in receipt of PPG are diverse, although it must be noted a good percentage of these pupils are working at greater depth across the curriculum already. We never confuse eligibility for the Pupil Premium with low ability, and focus on supporting disadvantaged pupils to achieve the highest levels from wherever their starting point.
What is the Pupil Premium?
The pupil premium is an allocation of additional money provided to publicly funded schools in England to support specific groups of children who are vunerable to possible underachievement. The grant is provided to raise the attainment of these eligible children and close the gap between them and their peers.
Further information about the Pupil Premium is available online by clinking this link: Pupil premium- Gov.UK
All schools are required to report on their use of Pupil Premium funding. Our report/s may be found in the Policies, Plans and Reports page (see tab at the top of the page).
Which pupils are eligible for the Pupil Premium?
- Pupils eligible to free school meals(FSM)
- Pupils who are looked after by the local authority
- Pupils of armed service personnel.
Parents/carers can claim for free school meals (FSM) if they are in receipt of a qualifying benefit:
- Income Support
- Income-based Jobseeker's Allowance
- Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (Part VI of the immigration and Asylum Act 1999)
- The Guarantee element of the State Pension Credit
- Child Tax Credit - as long as not claiming Working Tax Credit and annual income does not exceed £16,190
If you think your child may be eligible, please visit CWaC website here and apply.