Meet the Team

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Head Teacher Assistant Headteachers     Office Staff EYFS - Reception


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Mrs. Rainford



Mrs. Cawley

 Assistant Head & Year 2

Mr. May

Assistant Head & Year 6

Mrs. Taylor

School Business Manager

Mrs. Lloyd

Admin Officer


Mr. Whelan

Site Maintenance Officer


Mrs. Harvey


Mrs. Sconce

Teaching Assistant


Teaching Staff  
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Mrs. Williams

Reception & Year 1 Teacher

Mrs. Mullen

Year 1

Mrs. Bracewell

Year 3

Miss. Doak

Year 4

Mr. Hilsden

Year 5

Mrs. Lowman

Specialist Dyslexia


       Teaching Assistants
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Mrs. Doyle Mrs. Pond Mr. Carlile Mrs. Harries Miss Hay Mrs. Tomlinson Mrs. Little

Mrs. Jenkins

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Mrs. Robinson

Emotional Literacy Support Assistant

Mrs. Robinson

Emotional Literacy Support Assistant


Kitchen Staff and Mid Day Assistants

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  Cook Kitchen Assistant Mrs. Little Mrs. Jones  
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Mrs. Tomlinson Mrs. Mitchell Mrs. Dickinson Mrs. Tucker Mrs. Lloyd Wilcock Mrs. Valero

Who Are We?

Guilden Sutton Church of England Primary School is in a semi-rural location at the heart of the village of Guilden Sutton, on the outskirts of Chester. The school is a lively, happy place where all are treated as individuals within a Christian family atmosphere.
If you require a paper copy of any of the information on our school’s website, please contact the school office and we will provide this free of charge.
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Where Are We?

Guilden Sutton Church of England Primary School Arrowcroft Road
Guilden Sutton
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The School Day

Monday - Friday 8.50am - 3.20pm (32.5hrs)

School gates open at 8.45am

Let's Connect

Mrs T Rainford | Headteacher
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs C Lloyd | Mrs L Taylor
01244 300 353

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